Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Misery Poker and the energy--boosting power of the whine. Is there?

I suppose there is a health benefit to whining and complaining, in moderation. Isn't that funny? It needs to be moderated just like eating, drinking, exercising, thinking ...

Today I set out to determine what occurs physically when we complain. I wondered what hormones are triggered and what effect that has on our adrenals. Didn't come up with anything that specific but I know how dis-eased and fatigued I feel when I am focused on the faults instead of the pearls. Don't you?

This topic is inspired by a new column in the Wall Street Journal called "Bonds." Today's topic was Misery Poker: It's One Game Worth Losing. Big thanks go out to its author, Elizabeth Bernstein for bringing this bad habit to my attention. Once there is awareness, action - change is possible.
My husband will be thrilled.

By the by I did come across some good quotes on the topic!

I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain.
~Jane Wagner

In trying to get our own way, we should remember that kisses are sweeter than whine. ~Author Unknown

People that pay for things never complain. It's the guy you give something to that you can't please. ~Will Rogers

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting Ready for Fruit & Veggie Day!

Monday is Fruit and Veggie Day? Are you ready?

I am. Went shopping yesterday and loaded up on the good stuff. This week I am letting Blooms handle everything. Brought home a carrot juice by "Odwalla" and a Green Machine by "Naked." Both are good brands and super fresh (checked the "sell by" dates.) Then I'll throw in some apples and blueberries. Voila!

Tomorrow I'll be on the road all day. I've been adopted by a senior boxer who I have already named Lana Love. This is total, what-am-I-doing inspiration that has me driving 8 hours to add another heart on paws to my pack of 2 pups, 3 purrs and a bird.

So, what will I do with all the extra energy and time I gain tomorrow? Enjoy a long drive, rescue a pup and visit with my best friend from high-school. Cool beans! I'll post photos when I get back!

Cheers! Viveca

What special flavor will you splash into your Fruit and Veggie Day? Do tell ...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What will you do today? (instead of worry)

"Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn't you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn't most of them turn out all right after all?" - Dale Carnegie

Worry is exhausting. It is that rocking chair that goes back & forth and back & forth and straight to our adrenal glands. Worry is exhausting and sickening, literally.

Today do something to eliminate a worry and bring on a smiley.

Yes, get rid of nagging doubt, undone or resentment. Forgive someone. Help out your shelter and adopt a dog or cat. Call that friend you’ve been avoiding and treat her to a cup of coffee and a spoonful of compassion, optimism and good-humor. Apologize to your mother, start writing a love-note to your father to give to him on Father's Day, mail the gift to your niece even though her birthday was in April! Admit you messed up and ask how you can make it up.

What will you do today to make you feel good about yourself? Tell me. Then tell me how good you feel!


P.S. Thanks to David Essel, author, Slow Down The Fastest Way To Get Everything You Want for inspiring this topic! You can hear his interview here: http://www.getreadyforlove.com/dessel.htm

Feed your bod, including your adrenal glands the good stuff at a great price. (I have shopped and compared - eVits savings are significant.) Click here for my vitamin and supplement regime which includes B-Complex. Not only does B-Complex boost energy, improve memory and mood - it keeps my nails from breaking!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Fruit and Veggie Day!

Yep. It is Monday. Fruit and Juice Day. All-day-long.

I am sipping on my Beet/Carrot/Celery/Cabbage drink. It is a beautiful color - pretty close to this art! And, the way it tastes ...
it MUST be great for me!

How is your Monday going?


Friday, June 05, 2009

Fruit Smootie, Veggie Greenie & Supplies for Monday

I'm back with those recipes for our Monday Fruit and Veggie Day. Have fun picking them yourself over the weekend or just pick-them-up at your local grocer. Do feel free to post and share your own recipes using the "Comment" option below!

Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Serves 2 to 3
8 fresh strawberries
1 ripe banana (could be frozen), cut into chunks
3/4 cup fresh strawberry juice (or black cherry juice)
1/2 cup almond or cashew milk
Ice cubes (optional)
Blend all ingredients and serve. If you want it thicker and colder, add ice cubes.
VARIATION: Add mango, papaya or pineapple for a Tropical Smoothie.

-adapted from recipe in The Healing Power of NatureFoods: 50 Revitalizing SuperFoods and Lifestyle Choices that Promote Vibrant Health

Ba-Ba-Ba-Beeting with Energy!
Serves 2 to 3
3 medium beets, quartered
6-8 carrots
6 leaves of Romain lettuce
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cut fresh kale
1 cucumber
handful parsley
inch of ginger
Juice all the ingredients and serve immediately. Add a squeeze of lemon. Sip slowly and enjoy.

-adapted from "Beet Veggie Juice" recipe in The Healing Power of NatureFoods

If you don't have a juicer, just pick up a carton of all-natural, fresh apple, carrot and fresh green at your grocery or health food store. Check the "Sell By" Dates to get the freshest juice possible. Stay away for the sugary fruit juice drinks.

Also pick up a gallon of distilled water. Festive umbrellas are optional for recommended!

Cheers! Viveca

It's D-Day. DMV Bingo Day.

Yep. My driver's license expired on my birthday -- 11 days ago.

How? Why?

Easy. I filled out and mailed in the renewal form a month before b-day, now d-day. I didn't check the boxes on the back of the form. It took almost two weeks to get the application back in the mail, rejected because of those missing checkmarks. By then I had thrown out the paper with the secret "pin code" that would have allowed me to register on-line.

Then, I just gave up.

So today is the day. Right now is that morning.

Oh, and did I mention that somehow my car registration expired in April? The gate guard at Quantico brought that to my husband’s attention this week. Michael suggested that I go ahead and renew both cars while I'm at it ... this tip was offered with a sly grin.

So I get to play DMV Bingo, twice.

Disorganization is an ugly thing. If you are a hare-brained person like me - get help. One place is at www.OnLineOrganizing.com.

Well - gotta go. Do you feel like sharing something silly and completely avoidable that you brought down upon yourself recently? I'd feel better if you did.


P.S. I will be BACK! And, I'll post a smoothie recipe and a "greens" recipe for our Monday Fruit and Veggie Day!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Fatigue & Dehydration is easy to spot - just look at your pee!

I'm hungry, tired and just peed bright yellow.

What does that mean?

Dehydration. All of them are symptoms of dehydration.

So, the next time you are hungry - drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes and then eat something - if you are still hungry.

And, the next time you are tired - drink a big glass of water, wait 20 minutes and then - if you are still tired, take a 15 minute nap. Close the door, hang a "Do Not Disturb" Sign and put your head on the desk. (Think grammar school "rest periods!") If they won't leave you alone, go sit in your car or hide in a friend's office!

Finally, the next time you pee bright yellow instead of clear or very light yellow, know that you are dehydrated and drink a big glass of water. Maybe drink two. Coffee, which I love, dehydrates. I think I'm seeing the results of my cup a day treat. That's o.k. I just need to compensate.

Now ... going to go take that 15 minute nap. Then I am going to eat something delicious. Self-care. I love it!


Did you know that everything you allow to cross your lips can either make you feel better or worse? Are you attempting to fuel your body with energy-zapping foods such as sugar, caffeine or energy drinks? Simple dietary changes can result in amazing energy gains. Discover nutrition and dietary supplementation secrets by subscribing to the Fatigue Be Gone Newsletter. Sign up for your free copy today at: http://www.fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

3 Free Ways to De-Stress Today!

I’ve come across some super doper stress-busting opportunities this morning. (Oh and I am still continuing my juice fast from yesterday and bubbling with energy!)

Stretching: I am on my third day of my 10-minute stretch routine. Even when I was a kid I wasn’t all that flexible so add a whole bunch of years and it can get ugggg-ly. Yesterday my acupressurist suggested I stretch whenever I see one of my animals stretching. I love that idea! I have three cats, two dogs and a bird so this is going to be one flexible day!

Dump It: A.k.a. The Abraham Hicks Placement Process
I just found a blog called MyFavoriteSelfHelpStuff.com and I am smitten. I can tell Elisabeth is a cool stuff hound and a practical, bottom-line, “how to” healer. Love it. As soon as I am done with this post I am doing the “Abraham Hicks Placement Process” she recommended. (Psst. I also signed up to receive her “Free Stress Tips Report.”)

Breathe. Yes, I am into the basics today. I did the “Follow Your Breath” Exercise with Andrew Weil this morning. I will do this throughout the day for a minute here and a minute there … all those minutes add up.

How to: With your eyes open, closed or half-closed, just breathe. Don't try to affect your breathing - don't change one thing - just breathe in and breathe out. Put all you focus on your breath - how and where you feel it coming in and going out, when you feel it stop and begin. Breathe out any thoughts - worries or brilliant ideas - that try to force themselves into your focus. Relax, breathe and notice your breath for as long or as short as you wish. (Psst. You can practice this and many other breathing techniques with Dr. Weil. I highly recommend his CD Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing (The Self Healing Series)


Get re-energized on a regular basis with the Fatigue Be Gone Newsletter. Receive tips, tricks and tools to help you de-stress, eat for vim, talk to your doc and much more. Subscribers receive free reports including our exceptionally popular "Why Am I So Tired" and "Take Your Pulse" - a secret re-energizing shortcut. Subscribe TODAY at: http://www.fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm

Monday, June 01, 2009

Monday is Fruit and Veggie Day! a.k.a. Alkalizing Day

Last week I announced Fruit and Veggie Only Day and wondered who would join me. I can’t believe it. The only person who said “Yes” is my husband, the original “Mikey” and a devout carnivore. I love it!

This morning we started our day with his and her breakfast fruit smoothies.

His … 1 cup Protein Powder + 1 TSP “Greens” + Mango Juice + POMS Pomegranate Blueberry Juice + Fresh Strawberries and lots of ice.

Hers … 2 Dried Figs soaked in distilled water for one hour plus the water they soaked in + 1 cup frozen pineapple + 10 fresh strawberries + more distilled water and a little ice.

Lunch for him is a big bag of carrots and a sliced Red Delicious Apple. (It will take more time to work him into the vegetable juice side of this day.)

Lunch for me is a fresh batch of veggie juice -- Kale + Cucumbers + Parsley + Carrots + 1 TSP “Greens” + Beet Greens and a glass of distilled water. (See supplies below.)

Why juice fast?
1. Raw fruits and vegetables alkalize the body. The more alkaline we are the healthier we are, the better we feel and the younger we look – bottom line. (You can also feel free to munch, crunch & drink juices. All levels of participation are welcome!)

2. It is a day off of cooking meals and doing dishes! What will you do with all your free time?

3. Why juice fast on Mondays? You can start the week off feeling lighter and more energized AND if you went to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday you will be jam-crammed with fresh fruits and veggies crying out to be eaten at their peak!

Here’s what you need to join in later today. Your 24 hours can start anytime, or use this to be prepared for next week.

Juice Fasting Day Supplies: Gallon of Distilled Water + Whole Almonds + Magma Plus + Blender + (Juicer * see below)
Then the fruits & veggies: Dried figs, your favorite fruits in season (strawberries, peaches, grapes, cherries …) plus carrots, kale, a head of lettuce and other favorite greens (beet greens, spinach, collards, arugula, Belgian endive, butterhead lettuce, chicory, dandelion greens, mustard and turnip greens …)

* If you don’t have a juicer, check out Champion Juicers here: http://www.championjuicer.com/ If you can’t afford one simply pick up a fresh carton of carrot juice and a greens juice at your grocery store. (Check the store date stamp to be sure it is fresh.)

Alkalize or Die & The Power of Nature Foods

Most of the degenerative diseases we call “old-age diseases,” like memory loss, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and hypertension, are actually lifestyle diseases caused by acidosis, an overall poor diet (especially a lack of leafy green vegetables), improper digestion, and too much stress. -Susan Smith-Jones, author, The Healing Power of NatureFoods

Think about it this way … Too much acidity in the body is like having too little oil in your car. It just grinds to a halt one lazy Sunday afternoon. There you are – stuck. The body does the same thing. It starts creaking to a stop along the byways of life and you find yourself in some kind of discomfort. (Fatigue, weakness, acid reflux, arthritis, diabetes …)
- Dr. Theodore A. Baroody, author, Alkalize or Die

How do you Alkalize and eliminate acid? The same way you eat any elephant - one bite, one sip, one adjustment at a time.
1-2-3 Alkalizing Steps to feeling GREAT!

1. Aim to make every meal 50/50. 50% raw fruits and veggies (alkaline) and 50% cooked and other than raw food (mostly acid.)

2. Join us on Mondays for our Juice Fasting Day. (Alkalizing Day)

3. Completely eliminate sodas. It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. cola or soda!

Would you like an easy way to make a change for the better? Join us – Join in on our Juice Fasting Day every Monday! Check in to share recipes, encouragement and fellowship. For weekly re-energizing tips, tools & techniques, click here to subscribe to the Fatigue Be Gone NEWS.