Today was one of my 4 a.m.ish rise and shine and go to the gym days. And so I did - easily as a matter of fact because I'd gone to bed at 9:00 p.m. the night before. It makes my day when I walk my talk!
Anyway, I got up,
bipped off to the gym and had a great workout. I felt strong and oh so invigorated. It was fun.
Then came a delicious breakfast of poached eggs, toast, hash browns, bacon, pancakes, butter, syrup and coffee. Half an hour later I was on the road heading home and going through antics to keep my eyes open. I felt exhausted.
What hit me?
This is what I consider the "fine tuning" phase of my recovery from fatigue.
When my fatigue recovery story began I felt like this all the time. When you feel like c-r-a-p all the live-long-day there are no speed bumps just
blahhhhhhh. Now when I feel this way I know to go through a process of elimination ...
Is it an allergy to something I ate? I will try this and omit that with this breakfast until I find the trigger. Maybe I'll need to opt out of this restaurant fare and wait till I get home for my Oatmeal Blueberry Energize ... keep it simple.
If you are feeling tired all the time OR having noticeable bumps during your day PLEASE get and follow the instructions my Fatigue Be Gone
Jumpstart e-Guide. Why? Because I want you to get your life back too.
The guide isn't a cure. If you are down way low it probably won't solve all your fatigue issues BUT it will get you on the road. It will help you route out one or more key issues and get them cleared up. Just feeling a "little bit" better can make a HUGE difference. That little bit of relief and extra energy will help you feel better and continue to upgrade your diet, exercise, relationships ...
It takes time to wear yourself out. It takes time to build yourself back up and you can do it.
The guide will help.Then ... a year from now you will notice your
speed bumps. You will hit them - need to figure out what you ate, what you were thinking or what you were feeling before the wind was knocked out of your sails. That's great. That's life vs. still life.