Monday, January 07, 2008

A New Year's Resolution to re-Energize ALL of you!

This is just in from my friend Jennifer Clare and I had to share it with you! (Psst. If you have something cool to get us started in this new year add it here!)

"Forget the resolutions. Forget control and discipline...too much work. Instead try experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love with...something about yourself,
your career, your spouse."-- Dale Dauten

How refreshing! This time of year the papers and magazines are full of suggestions to detox, purge and diet - essentially beating yourself up for having been indulgent over the holidays.

Rather than buying into that punishing idea, try really falling in love. With you.

Go through your body and thank each and every part of it for being there for you, 24/7. Your body never stops working for you, carrying you around, allowing you to experience exquisite pleasures.

Your body is home.

So instead of being mean to it, decide to be kind and gentle. Feed it nourishing whole foods. Move and stretch it. Breathe lots of oxygen deep into it. And hydrate it! (I read yesterday that our goal with drinking water is to replace all the stale water in the body with clean fresh stuff - every day. Are you living in a spring-fed lake or a polluted, algae-filled pond?)

(And if you're interested in learning to talk to your body and finding out exactly what IT wants - there are a handful of places left for the course on January 19th. Your Body KNOWS What It Needs!

Read more here.) You are marvellous and perfect. Treat yourself that way! thought matters! and so do you! Jennifer Clare

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