Thursday, January 22, 2009

1-2-3 ways to re-energize your day

"We cannot do everything at once but we can do something at once."
– Calvin Coolidge

I love President Coolidge's bottom-line advice. I wish I could have known him. So - here are 3 ways to follow his pearl of wisdom.

1. Choose an energy boost tip, we have lots posted here, and put it to play for you today!

2. Take stock of your vitamin and supplements needs and stock up today the easy way ... Here is what I take

3. Get a great nights sleep tonight. Click here for the solutions that work for me to get my zzzzzs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like LOLcats and LOLdogs to make me laugh, which boosts my energy.

And in your post where you talk about writing down the three positive things about the day (1. got out of bed etc.) - I'm borrowing that!

Dannan (my dog) takes Rescue Remedy when he gets anxious... but you know, I never thought about taking it myself! Great tips!
