The gift of fatigue ... where do I begin?
Fatigue slowed me down long enough to fall in love and marry Michael. (The old me was always on the go and alone. Who has time for Love?)
Fatigue made me choose to do "what matters most" vs. "whatever" was on my plate. (The old me was a work-a-holic who couldn't prioritize.)
Fatigue offered no easy recovery solution. It made me search far and wide - grow. I discovered a new, fascinating and fun world that involves all my senses AND my heart, mind and spirit. (Highlights: I've been certified in Reiki, studied Reflexology, built an intimate relationship with God, become nutrition savvy and made many fabulous friends. Now I am learning all about Chakras, aromatherapy and the power of prayer and patience. Fascinating stuff.)
Fatigue armed me with information and been-there-done-that compassion. (I used to be so hard on myself and everyone else. My goal was productivity. Now my goal is love, connection, contribution and en-JOYment.)
Fatigue hung on long enough to make me form healthy habits that now help me stay balanced, grounded, peaceful, confident and happy.
I Love my new life and I am grateful to fatigue for making this possible.
So ... what gifts have you gained, or are you creating, from fatigue? Do share ...
And ... if you want to start clearing out your fatigue and get to your "Why me?" and "Now What?" faster, purchase the Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart Guide. It is only $9.95 - I've kept the price low so anyone can afford it.
You know what else? It is an internet download product so it is available to you within seconds of payment. Your new life could start NOW.
Good point.
Fatigue tells us we are out of balance and need to allow our bodies to rest and recharge their batteries.
How come we never stop to listen?
Certified Massage Therapist
How come we never stop to listen?
Great question.
Stopping, pausing, reflecting -- we are not taught "how to" in school!
We learn "Ready - Set - ACTION" (Action being something perceived as important and busy.)
I have learned that reflecting, waiting for an opportunity catch up to me and praying are the actions that make my life joyful and productive.
I am grateful my body shut down before my mind crushed my spirit ...
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