Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Adrenal Fatigue - Question from a reader

After years of being on prednisone, I've been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue - believe me I have all the symptoms. I'm in the process of reading Dr. Wilson's book which seems wonderful so far; except for all the foods he states you have to totally give up. Luckily, I'm working with a doctor that addresses adrenal fatigue, he has given me 5 different vitamin supplements to take - I've been on them for 3 weeks now and see no help. My main concerns are muscle loss and crashing at about 6:00pm, then up restless with crazy thoughts all night long. I'm changing my diet as best I could, based on Dr. Wilson's book. One question is if you know anything about vinegar or licorice root as a support or hindrance to this condition (I've googled pros and cons). Another question is has to do with what supplements have helped "real" people and which have shown no help. I thank you for your time and look forward to your response.


Dear Nan,

First of all ... Congratulations! You're aware that you have a problem and you are taking action! You are one of the lucky ones. Too many women stay stuck in denial or avoidance, focused on caring for every other body, but not their own.

Next, thank you for your note. Whew! There is a lot here! I will do my best to share some “lay woman” experience with you.

First of all, Dr. Wilson’s book is excellent. It was one of the many self-help and self-health books I poured through during my own recovery. I can’t remember all the things he says to give up … Recovery is a process where you change a little here and integrate a little there and suddenly one day you notice how much better you are caring for yourself and how fabulous you feel. Wuuu Huuu!

You’ve been on “5 different vitamin supplements - I've been on them for 3 weeks now and see no help.” It has taken you years to get this run down. It can easily take more than 3 weeks to notice a difference. And, supplements alone won't do it.

Besides the supplements --- what lifestyle changes have you made? Are you getting more rest and sleeping into 9 a.m. whenever possible? Have you upped your water intake? Are you eating an awesome breakfast before 10:00 a.m. and are you in bed resting by 10 p.m. so that you are zzzzzzing when your adrenals need to be re-charging? Are you taking an easier, more peaceful approach to life? (Dr. Wilson talks about the personality types that “catch” adrenal fatigue.) Is your recovery your #1 priority? Right now, it needs to be.

I wonder if you have determined the emotional trigger for your fatigue? Do you have help coming to peace with your past? (Adrenal Fatigue is often launched by a major event like the death of a loved one, moving to a new state, having a baby, divorce, broken-heart, bankruptcy …)

Finally, there is A LOT to this. I made it as simple and step-by-step as possible when I pulled together the Fatigue Be Gone Jumpstart e-Guide.

Fatigue is a dis-ease of the mind, body and spirit. All have to be nourished back to health. This may sound overwhelming, especially to someone who is tired, but trust me – I’ve been and done that. Because I know just how you feel I did my best to make it as easy as possible for you to feel better – FAST. Click here for more …

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Energy Boost Tip #5 - STOP. Ask for help.

You don't have to do everything all by yourself. Do you?

Discover more health and wellness tips and tricks by subscribing to Fatigue Be Gone newsletter. Filled with easy-does-it solutions to help you feel GREAT again and delivered directly to your inbox. Subscribers receive free health reports, insider-information, inspiration and simple, yet effective tools to improve your life. Sign up for your free subscription at http://fatiguebegone.com/newsletter.htm

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just one way to boost your energy - Puppy Love

Last Wednesday I bought a pedometer to start logging my steps for the SPCA. (I am a volunteer dog walker - you could be too. Click here for typical volunteer opportunities at your local shelter OR to help out at ours.)

Anywho, on Wednesday, January 2ND I walked 9533 steps. Someday I'll figure out how that translates into miles. Right now I like the sound of steps! BTW = The manual that came with the pedometer recommends that we walk a total of 10,000 steps a day.

Volunteering - doing something you Love for something or someone you Love is sooooooo
energizing. It is proven to release all kinds of feel good hormones. I have gone in for this weekly 2 hour walking spree feeling like c-r-a-p - feeling tired - feeling stressed, even with migraine headaches and come out of it refreshed, re-Energized and loving life. Must be a combination of heart, movement, oxygen and water intake ...

This is just ONE way to give yourself an emotional and physical boost. Do you have something else to suggest? Add it on here for the rest of us!

Monday, January 07, 2008

A New Year's Resolution to re-Energize ALL of you!

This is just in from my friend Jennifer Clare and I had to share it with you! (Psst. If you have something cool to get us started in this new year add it here!)

"Forget the resolutions. Forget control and discipline...too much work. Instead try experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love with...something about yourself,
your career, your spouse."-- Dale Dauten

How refreshing! This time of year the papers and magazines are full of suggestions to detox, purge and diet - essentially beating yourself up for having been indulgent over the holidays.

Rather than buying into that punishing idea, try really falling in love. With you.

Go through your body and thank each and every part of it for being there for you, 24/7. Your body never stops working for you, carrying you around, allowing you to experience exquisite pleasures.

Your body is home.

So instead of being mean to it, decide to be kind and gentle. Feed it nourishing whole foods. Move and stretch it. Breathe lots of oxygen deep into it. And hydrate it! (I read yesterday that our goal with drinking water is to replace all the stale water in the body with clean fresh stuff - every day. Are you living in a spring-fed lake or a polluted, algae-filled pond?)

(And if you're interested in learning to talk to your body and finding out exactly what IT wants - there are a handful of places left for the course on January 19th. Your Body KNOWS What It Needs!

Read more here.) You are marvellous and perfect. Treat yourself that way! thought matters! and so do you! Jennifer Clare http://www.thoughtmatters.com.au

Saturday, January 05, 2008

"When most people think about 'healing' they focus on the notion of someone suffering from an ailment or injury who get 'better.' But what does it mean to 'get better'? Better than what?Better than they were in some moment in the past? Better than someone else?' Getting 'better' is far too limiting a definition of healing. Thinking in that way divests us of our birthright to be in direct communion with God/Love/Universe; and therefore, to be self-sustaining, self-healing beings"
-Eric Pearl