I love Internet radio 'cause I can listen in, anytime, 24/7. Works for me.
FYI Heal Yourself Talk Radio offers weekly conversations with healers like Dr. Jack Singer, Kim Emerson, Jenn Givler and more. Here are a couple interviews I thought you'd find interesting we attract what we think about most -- including great health and boundless energy OR, the lack thereof ...
Laws of attraction Kim Emerson and Jenn Givler address taking inspired action to amp up law of attraction. Listen in for an exercise you can do for yourself to shift your thought patterns and gain greater prosperity in your life.
Laws of attraction part two Last week Kim gave Jenn an exercise to help you resolve issues with intentions and being held back. Listen in this week as you hear what has happened to Jenn this week and as they discuss the comercerilzation of "The Secret"
1 comment:
Hi Viveca!
Thanks for sharing the links to the shows Kim and I did - it was so much fun and I'm glad you enjoyed them!
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